Hecho en España

Made in Spain

From the first moment, we were clear that our product had to be manufactured in Spain for different reasons.

The first of them, and perhaps the one that has the greatest significance, is due to the feeling of being rooted in what our country is. Our future clients valued it over the rest of the qualities that we proposed to them and, therefore, this became a priority. For us, manufacturing it here added value and we were also lucky to belong to a country with a large number of good manufacturers.

In addition to that, the exclusivity that we wanted to give to the productions, manufacturing very few units, could complicate leaving Spain because the minimum quantities of each item did not exceed 5 units per size. In the beginning, trying to take production to countries like Turkey or China implies manufacturing very high minimum quantities and working with excessively long times. From the idea until we have had the production, developing our own patterns, we have taken 7 months, on the other hand, doing it outside our borders would have taken perhaps more than a year.

But not all were forced reasons. In our search for manufacturers we found a team like us, one of those who do things with their hearts. Our first meeting went from professional to a conversation about life in which all the values ​​that characterize us appeared. We were clear, it was them.

The process has not been easy. We had a lot of idea of ​​what we wanted and little idea of ​​how to do it. There have been many visits to the factory, many modifications, failures, tensions, but the team around us has made all of this possible. Eternally grateful to them and to them, they are a great team.

We have managed to manufacture our product in Spain, do it mostly by hand and provide all the haberdashery materials in Valencia. Objective accomplished and therefore very satisfied with the result. It is exactly what we had in mind and managing to translate it into something tangible makes us very proud of what we have achieved.

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